Cheese Boards and How to Create Them


I especially love if I can find something like stem and leaf tangerines 
that still have their green leaves attached.  I always keep some of the fruit
in it's whole form because it looks pretty then I'm sure to have some
pieces that are easy to eat right next to the whole fruit 

I love cheese!  It is the one thing I can't live without and the one thing I eat almost everyday.  So you can image the making cheese boards are one of my favorite things to do.  

There are a couple things to help you break down the way to design a cheese board so I hope by highlighting a few tips you'll be able to make your own.

TIP ONE:  Keep some fruit whole and then have pieces of the whole fruit sliced or broken into pieces next to it.   I also especially love if I can find something like stem and leaf tangerines that still have their green leaves attached.   

TIP TWO:  Find edible greens to make the platters pop:  In summer grape leaves and fig leaves are great.  in winter lemon leaves or any citrus leaf works.  I have mint growing in my garden year round but for colder climates flowering kale and any kind of kale makes a great winter green.  If nothing is growing there is certainly an herb section in your local grocery store and fresh thyme, fresh sage or fresh mint should be available.  

TIP THREE:  Find some great boards.  The options and sources are endless.  


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